Ifyou are at the helm of a successful and established podcast, then it is unlikely that constant daily motivation is going to be problem. At that point, things move fast, and you are typically part of a wider professional team working on the podcast. “Keeping going”, in this context, is not really the major problem to be overcome.
However, it is a different story for amateur or less successful (so far) podcasts. If you are at this stage in your podcast journey, then consistency is especially important indeed.
Indeed, sometimes it is not the easiest thing in the world. Plurawl, a company specializing in clothing for the Latino community, also run a Hispanic podcast on their website. They say that especially when the podcast is an additional feature of your company (and not the main attraction) then there is undoubtedly a period of little success when you simply need to keep going. Indeed, the only way to make it over this initial sluggish period is to be constantly releasing episodes for your podcasts.
The Importance of Consistency
The reason why small ecommerce sites should nevertheless prioritize consistency is that this is pretty much the only waya podcast can pick up steam. If you do not have episodes coming out regularly, then visitors to the site will soon cease checking in on the podcast.
Think about it. You visit the podcast site after a few weeks only to notice that nothing has changed and there are no new episodes. The result is, of course, that you assume the podcast is inactive and forget about it. Then, when a new episode does come along, it has a less receptive audience and less people who willeven see it.
This is one of the reasons why it has long been an item of podcasting advice that it’s wise to have a few episodes already made and ready to go before you even release the first one. That way, you can rest assured that your podcast will broadcast a steady stream of episodes for a period, allowing you to do everything that gets a podcast off the ground.
Tips for Podcast Consistency
So, it’s clear that consistency is king where podcasts are concerned, especially at the beginning and if you want your podcast to get anywhere at all. Here follows some tips to help you get motivated to podcast regularly:
Engage with Your Audience
One of the things that will keep you podcasting regularly is clear communication with an audience that wants you to podcast. You can take requests from listeners, have call-ins, and so on. When you do this, there’s a reason to make the episode – because it’s expected.
Take a Break
If you really cannot handle the workload or if it’s all becoming a bit robotic, then you can certainly take a break. However, you should do it in a way that does not jeopardize your podcast. For example, you can announce the break and advertise it on the podcast page. That way, listeners will know when you’re going, when you areback, and they won’t think the podcast is dormant.
Work Towards Something
It is a piece of eternal advice that having goals is important. Within the context of podcasting, this could mean reaching X number of listeners by a certain date. Or it could be something smaller like bagging a particular guest or writing an ambitious episode on something you care about. Work towards a goal, and consistency will follow.
Ultimately, podcasting can be hard work. In whichever way you source your motivation, it’s important not to lose the passion that made you start the podcast in the first place.