Entrepreneurship is inspiring, but one does not get many shots at it. Most of the youngsters soon realize that they lack experience and knowledge while they have to compete with those who have been in business for over 20 years. However, one thing that differentiates entrepreneurs from their peers is that they are willing to learn. One of the most trusted sources for entrepreneurial knowledge is by reading books written by successful entrepreneurs willing to share their experiences.
Given below are eight books recommended that every entrepreneur must read:
- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
This book will have a significant impact on their lives. It teaches how to build a social life and influence. It instructs how to win over an audience and overcome the competition.
- Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson
A lightweight book of mere 96 pages is pure wisdom. It constructs a story of four mice representing four different personalities, and they affect business. It teaches us to be flexible and confident.
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter
This book is unarguably the best and most popular on this list. This book reflects light on the race that is a 9-5 job. Authors have paid attention to aspects of financial education that entrepreneurs didn’t get at a young age.
- The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau
It is a very intriguing book that follows the stories of successful entrepreneurs who started with a small amount. This is the perfect book to motivate them to keep progressing without worrying about money.
- The Startup of You by Reid Hoffman
Book from Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, takes a peek inside his mind. This book teaches others how to manage an entrepreneurial life while still working part-time. It motivates them to keep going with their venture at all costs.
- The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
Timothy Ferris has put thought into the dream of every entrepreneur that wants to escape working over 40 hours a week. He teaches how they can work 4 hours a week and still build an empire.
- Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk
It is a motivational book that encourages visionary people like Charles Field Marsham to act on their ideas and make their dreams come true. Gary Vaynerchuk stresses why one should have to leave his comfort zone and build a life for himself.
- Founders at Work by Jessica Livingston
Everyone enjoys stories of entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and how they became insanely rich. However, not many know what they went through and what they gave up to build their empires from scratch. Jessica Livingston sheds light on that.
Books can impart people with knowledge that they do not have time to learn through trial and error. If you are a leader like Charles Field Marsham, reading books can help you to perceive things in a deeper sense and might help you to better understand the concept of entrepreneurship. These enhance productivity and focus and allow them to utilize the knowledge to successfully establish their business.