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If you’re a large and successful ecommerce brand, you probably don’t need to be engaging with sites like Shopify too much (although there are plenty of benefits). But then again, if you area large ecommerce brand, you probably don’t need to be reading articles like this one either! You’ll have someone working for you to handle all that.
For everyone else (and that’s most of us), Shopify is a great sales channel to supplement your other existing ones, whether that be other ecommerce sites or your own direct-to-customer ecommerce website. Shopify is a unique platform with many unique benefits. It’s also a platform that responds very well to effective video marketing, something that you’ll no doubt already be engaging ingiven how important it is to modern retail, both online and off.
However, Shopify has its own rules, and they are sufficiently different to necessitate a separate video marketing strategy for use specifically on the platform. We Make Videos, a video production company out of Nashville, say that a great deal of their services are provided to clients with this specific request – make a me a video for Shopify. So what’s so special about Shopify?
Video Marketing and Shopify
The thing about Shopify is that it does not support third party video marketing, and while you canof coursespread interest in your Shopify store with such videos, this is nowhere close to the most effective way of going about things if you really want to grow.
By third party marketing, we are talking about videospertaining to your brand that are hosted on sites away from your main ecommerce site. Normally, these are sites like Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram, and Twitter.Posting videos here can help you reach an incalculable number of people, but there are drawbacks too.
For example, it is very difficult to gaugereturn on investment (ROI) with the videos you put on third-party sites. For sure, you can monitor likes and engagement, and you can therefore see how well videos are performing. However, while this may let you know that you’re reaching people positively, there’s simply no way of knowing how this actually translates into sales.All those likes could simply be people who enjoyed the video, but then got on with their day without going near your ecommerce store or purchasing anything.
Video marketing on Shopify, on the other hand, can very much inform you about ROI. This is because it is usually conducted internally.The videos are viewed on the site and Shopify has information about the viewers. It can then tell you how many of those viewers actually visited your page and which ones made a purchase. Video marketing on social media is a great idea and you should definitely do it, but this should not be your primary Shopify video marketing strategy.
Advice for Creating a Winning Shopify Video Marketing Strategy
So, how should you engage in video marketing specifically for Shopify? A Shopify marketing video can be viewed on your actual Shopify store, which keeps customers there. But what about the Shopify customers who aren’t on your site?
In order to reach these customers, you should combine your Shopify video marketing strategy with other marketing efforts, but specifically target Shopify users. You can do this by sending out the videos via e-mail, SMS, and even towards third party sites.Make use of the contacts you have built up on Shopify itself.
Do that right, and you will reach Shopify usersalready predisposed to buying things through this channeland bring them all back to your site. Success awaits shortly after that.