There is a lot to be said about the UK bookkeeping software errors and how they can be prevented. In the first place, it is essential to remember that all types of software can have errors (just at a theoretical level). But in practice, it becomes more important to understand why an error is being caused and how it can be fixed, as opposed to deliberating the nature of the error. This is because the theoretical margin for error in software is not always present in practice, but exists to account for rare scenarios.
Let’s take a look at some types of errors in UK bookkeeping software, and what can be done to ensure they don’t occur once they have been discovered.
- Data Entry errors
Data entry errors can be fairly common when using the UK bookkeeping software, but what you need to consider is that this is not due to any fault in the software itself. Rather, this is caused mostly due to (often unavoidable) human error – a scenario just as likely to occur when not using bookkeeping software.
A common type of data entry error is a transposing error, where instead of typing in £594, a person inputs £954. Yet another type of error is when a person records a purchase as a receivable, thus throwing off the balance sheets. Another example of a data entry error is a duplication error, in which a person enters the same information twice, which results in false data.
To prevent this type of error, you need to make sure that your accounts team is not overworked, they have clear instructions on how to operate the UK bookkeeping software, and are using automatic receipt input systems as well. Later, the data can be double checked for accuracy if needed.
- Inaccurate or Outdated Data errors
This type of error is less likely to occur but is still a viable one nonetheless. Financial statements can get rewritten in a matter of a few hours, especially if the financial record is of an intimation as opposed to an executed expense – and thus, inaccurate or outdated data may get recorded. Here again, it is the person who is inputting the data is the one who needs to look out for errors – otherwise, the UK bookkeeping software will not flag this as improper data.
In another scenario, it is possible that some sorts of data – such as bank account information, address, or phone numbers – have not been updated for such a long time that they are no longer accurate. Again, this is an error that will have to be flagged manually, and will not be reported as being so by the UK bookkeeping software.
To prevent this type of error, you need to make sure that your accounts team performs a regular hygiene check on the data. Also, regular backups are a must as well, so that everything is securely stored.
- Unauthorised Access errors
This type of error will occur when a person who is not authorised to access the system attempts to enter it. In principle, this is the kind of error that the UK bookkeeping software will be prepared for – after all, data security is a very important issue today, and making sure that all the important security measures are in place.
To prevent this type of error, it is important to decide access levels based upon clearance levels within the organization. Regarding this, it is also important to communicate with the concerned person about what they are permitted to do.
In conclusion
There are many types of bookkeeping errors that you can encounter in the UK bookkeeping software, but the way to move past them is to not be deterred and continue moving forward. After all, most of these errors are caused by humans and can be easily fixed.
If you’re considering upgrading to one, click here for the best UK bookkeeping software.